Hey, friend!

My name is Michelle Raudsepp and I am a UX Designer

My journey to UX started with digital illustrations, where I learned the basic principles of design and started training that design sense. This evolved into an interest in graphic design as a whole because of its capability to uniquely convey messages. Through my education, that interest narrowed down to a focus on interface design, and once I graduated, I began working in web design. I found myself integrating more UX into that work as time went on, and that propelled me to pursue a Master’s degree in UX Design. During this journey, I honed my skills in user research, prototyping, and usability testing, and was fortunate to learn from industry professionals who have paved the way for UX and user-based design.

My passion is to consistently create high-quality, valued products through user research and deliver them efficiently. When I do my job properly, I’m helping others - and that’s made all the difference

On another note, I love games! I love how wholeheartedly one can be captivated through such interesting storytelling. I’m all in for a cool story with great character development!

Currently Playing: Another Code: Recollection